My wife and I are extremely pleased with all of the work which you and your people did, and the way in which you accomplished this task. First, your help in the selection of the shingle color was excellent. We are most pleased with your suggestions. Secondly, you said we were going to get a new roof, not just new singles, and we did. This obviously included new color matched flashing, new color matched roof vents, the complete tearoff, the painting of stacks, and the re-nailing of the gutters. All of this looks wonderful and the quality of the work was superb. Third, we are amazed at the speed with which you accomplished this job – finished in one day. The efficiency of the work was great and the quality was not compromised. Finally, my own son worked for a roofer when he was in high school and my experience with his work indicated that this is a very dirty and messy job, with lots of debris scattered around the lawn and in plantings. I arrived home expecting that my wife and I would spend some time going around the house and picking up many small bits of materials which your clean up would miss. Much to my surprise, we couldn’t find one thing, not a nail, a staple, a piece of shingle nothing. Your attention to not only the quality of the work, but to our whole house was great.
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