Holidays tend to bring out the community spirit in a group, and the White Castle Roofing team was no exception! We loved getting to celebrate Halloween with our city, and our team.
On October 21, White Castle Roofing helped kick off the Halloween festivities at the Lincoln Police Department’s annual Trunk or Treat event at the Lancaster Event Center. Thousands of kids participated in the event, which featured costumes, games, educational opportunities, and truckloads of candy. It was an amazing opportunity for the community to interact with the first responders who help protect them – and White Castle Roofing was so happy to be a sponsor for such a fun, positive event.

Then on October 24, White Castle Roofing team members hosted a tent at Trick or Treat on the Trail in Hickman, Neb. Not only did we get to remind folks to “Never ghost your roofing needs”, we also got to hand out glow sticks and candy to more than 1,100 kids! It was so fun to be a part of the event, which was hosted by the Hickman Area Economic Development Association and benefitted the Hickman Trail Lighting Project.

Finally, on Halloween day, we got to celebrate our own team at the 2019 White Castle Roofing Company Day. Employees and our families gathered at our Lincoln headquarters for food, games, face painting, a Baggo tournament, and a fun time to enjoy each other’s company.
This is the celebration that means the most to us: a day to remind ourselves what kind of team we have, and why it is that we work every day to be the best roofing company in the state. It isn’t just our customers we work for, although that brings us joy too – but we also work shoulder-to-shoulder with an amazing team of people we are proud to call family, and that’s one of the happiest Halloweens we could celebrate.