Like any successful business, White Castle Roofing operates on a set of core values. These values are the attributes that we strive to achieve not only in our interactions with customers, but within our own four walls (and a roof). We’re proud of these, as they help form the foundation of our identity as a business, and so over the next several weeks, we’ll be sharing a little of what each one means to us.
White Castle Roofing’s six core values are:
First up: Community. As we define it – we strive to be good neighbors who actively seek the greater good of those we know and work with, those we haven’t met yet, and even our competitors. We work to make a positive impact on the company and the community.
To us, this can be manifested both internally and externally. Within our company, we look for ways to help each other, taking on tasks that aren’t in our job descriptions to lend a hand or supporting causes that are important to our co-workers. When Patti, one of our team members, got involved with the Head for the Cure run in honor of a family member with brain cancer, she was joined in the race by a few co-workers; when a job needed to be completed on a weekend and very few team members were available, Pat, another team member, went out of his way to make sure he could help out, even though it was a Husker gameday (when most of Lincoln otherwise grinds to a halt). We operate at our best as a company because we have a team who considers itself a team…or a family.

Externally, we also look for ways to contribute to the community. Many of those can be seen on our Community Initiatives page, where you can read about our White Castle-created programs like the Grand Giveaway and Free Roof Rescue. We also do quite a lot of work with Habitat for Humanity in each of our three service areas – Omaha, Lincoln/Lancaster County, and Grand Island. But we also try to find ways to support our neighbors that aren’t necessarily our own initiatives but still are needed. Sometimes it’s supporting a fundraiser or golf tournament, sometimes it’s a discounted repair for an elderly neighbor, and sometimes it’s just as simple as stopping to help someone fix a flat tire.

Having community as a focus, and our first core value, means things like this aren’t extraordinary, they’re expected. And that attitude manifests itself in our everyday business, too – when we provide an estimate, replace or repair a roof, install gutters, and inspect our own work, we strive for a focus on how what we do matters to someone else. It isn’t just fixing a blow-off as a routine task, for example; it’s taking care of a friend’s treasured property. That instills a sense of pride in even the smallest things, because we know that what we do matters! And we want to do an exceptional job of serving others in every task we undertake.
We hope you see White Castle’s community focus in our business model and our interactions with you as a customer. Next up, we’ll explain what we mean by Hustle – it isn’t a 70s dance or a sneaky transaction. Check back soon to read more!